Lekcje demo
Materiały z lekcji demonstracyjnych
Force and Micro Gravity with Andy McMurray
Lesson plan PL 67.50 KB
Lesson plan 58.50 KB
Celestial Barycentres Poland PL 25.08 KB
Celestial Barycentres Poland 24.70 KB
Loop the loop worksheet 812.86 KB
Moon and Barycentre 239.96 MB
Gravity with Jean Paul Castro
Lesson - teams EN 2.09 MB
Lesson teams EN - solution 2.08 MB
Lesson - teams PL - solution 2.07 MB
Lesson - diaporama 2.69 MB
Simple Harmonic Motion and Circular Motion with Andy McMurray
Circular Motion Lesson 1.92 MB
Plan lekcji 15.04 KB
Lesson plan 41.50 KB
Loop the loop worksheet 800.36 KB